
Helldivers 2 Players Are Looking For Hidden Messages Amid Black Hole Disaster

Easter eggs and secret messages are old hat for many ongoing games, and Helldivers 2 is no stranger to them either. So it’s little surprise that amid an ongoing, calamitous conflict with the Illuminate, players are poring over the messages for hidden details.

If you’re not caught up with the running narrative in Helldivers 2, here’s a quick catch-up: developer Arrowhead has the Illuminate back and pushing the lines of galactic warfare as the latest threat to Super Earth. The eerie foe is using a massive black hole to slowly consume entire planets, pushing it to Angel’s Venture and, now, Moradesh.

Ironically, the black hole was initially created on Meridian by Super Earth, in an effort to wipe out a Terminid Super Colony. Arrowhead’s got a particular penchant for “yes, and”-ing the outcomes of the galactic campaigns. The slow build to right now, with the Illuminate pretty much pushing a black hole slowly towards Super Earth, is the latest in a long line of dominoes.

So, now we’re here: Moradesh is evacuating, and Helldivers are anticipating the next step of this cataclysmic campaign. Yet some are digging into the evacuation orders, trying to suss out a hidden meaning from the messages Arrowhead is broadcasting.

Reddit user Pinglyadya shared an image of what looks like an egg, hidden in the Moradesh videos. In the comments, they go further, breaking down the potential morse code strings into dots and dashes, surmising that it all results in a few different codes: “045a5, 06efbc, e1b5f0 then 21232. We don’t know what this is the code to but have fun.”

The “06EFBC” code caught attention in another thread, as it could correspond with the hex code for a shade of teal called Last Straw. Sounds ominous! Nothing concrete has surfaced beyond that, but at least a few fans are convinced there’s something hidden in these messages.

It wouldn’t be the first time players have gone diving for secrets in Arrowhead’s updates. With the Meridian Singularity slowly approaching Super Earth, though, I do wonder whether Helldivers have time to spare for this.

Arrowhead has, since the destruction of Moradesh, issued a new Major Order for players, tasking them with defending planets so Super Earth can construct a Penrose Energy Siphon and effect a “one-time reduction” in Dark Energy Accumulation.

Hopefully, this can put a stop to the giant tear in space that’s slowly encroaching on everything the Helldivers hold dear. And, possibly, put a few more secret messages out into the ether.

This is all part of Helldivers 2’s ongoing, community driven Galactic War, which has captured the attention of the game’s community for over a year now. The Illuminate invaded in December with an initial alien force that added new enemies to fight against as well as brand new Super Earth colonies to fight on. These colonies introduced Helldivers 2’s first urban environments, with city streets packed with innocent civilians mind-controlled by the Illuminate. The Voteless, as they’re called by Super Earth, are little more than zombies who want nothing more than to team players limb from limb.

Eric is a freelance writer for IGN.

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